Well, the Girlfriend camp are on a new compilation out for free via Ceci Est Mon Rêve...
Tracklist and download links are below. Don't sleep on this lovely comp of retro sawtoothy futurist melancholy. Click on the links in the tracklist to give a little love back to the artists!
1. Intro (One Dream...)(by The noizy Kidz & Deluce)
2. Heather - Diary
3. Awkoder'89 - Meet You
4. Sferro - Turquoise Water
5. Illapa - Zenith Tv (Deluce Remix)
6. Cassiel - Vortex
7. Sferro - Light Cycles
8. The Noizy Kidz & illapa - Vampire elegeia
9. Deluce - Lead the Galaxy
10. The Noizy Kidz - Miami (303 Palm Beach edit)
11. Jean-Tube - Jean vie
12. Awkoder'89 - Your face of light
13. Hosta - Jupiter
14. Illapa - Louise (K7 Version)
15. Outro (One Night...)(by The noizy Kidz & Deluce)
One Dream, One Night (MegaUpload)
yeah ! big thanks for the post !
could you have add the link of the myspace http://www.myspace.com/ceciestmonreve. Thanks !!
Charlie, SounDesign
done... I love this!
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